Staffing Synergies New Employee Reference Sheet
On your first day, you will be issued a badge that should be shown at the entrance.
Worksite Address: 15816 Santa Ana Avenue
Fontana, CA 92337
Contact Name: 1st Shift: Rosie Guerrero
2nd Shift: Lorena Valenzuela
Contact Phone: 1st shift: 909-835-6722
2nd Shift: 909-835-7726
Shift Time: 5:00 AM to 1:30 PM (1st)
2:30 PM to 11:00 PM (2nd)
Dress Code:
Shirts must meet the belt line, even when reaching, with sleeves that cover and conceal the shoulders and armpits. Shirts must amply cover the person in a manner that is not perceived offensive or provocative. Clothing that is decorated with jewels or items that may fall off are not allowed. Muscle shirts or tank tops are not allowed.
Shoes must cover the entire foot. Sandals and open toe shoes are not permitted.
Shorts may be worn in the summer and must cover approximately half the thigh in length. All pants and shorts must be worn at the waistline.
Jewelry (excluding wedding/ engagement rings) is not allowed. Earrings, necklaces, watches, visible body piercings and wallet chains are not permitted.
Long hair must be pulled back or secured in the Warehouse/Production areas.
False eyelashes must be removed by employees while in the warehouse and production area.
Any headgear worn may not impair vision or hearing.
Lockers will be available for storage of personal items.
Fingernails should be clean and short in length. False fingernails of any type are not allowed to be worn in production and warehouse areas. Fingernails may be painted, but polish must be intact and free from chipping, peeling, nail art or jewelry.
Make-up is allowed in moderation with no caking or flaking and excessive perfumes are not allowed due to the potential for product contamination.
Eyeglasses must be worn at all times within the Production and warehouse environment. Safety Glasses will be provided to you.
Employees are not alowed to bring water in the production area. The site will provide water stations and cone shaped drinking vessels placed within reasonable distances around the facility.